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Get ready to update your EAS codecs.  By December 12, 2023 new firmware will be needed for full operation.  As of July 1, none of the manufacturers have the updates ready but they promise, "shortly" and at a cost between free and about $200. 

The original Text-to-Speech provision of the FCC Report and Order, which was to be invalidated as of April 23, has been reinstated. Said another way, text-to-speech remains as a requirement under the new EAS rules. Here's the document. Your new EAS units should continue to be programmed for TTS operation.

Well, the deadline has come and gone and the fines are flying!   Did your equipment decode the CAP IPAWS tests?  SEE BELOW

Now is the time to finish evaluation and issue the purchase order. While the FCC may be somewhat forgiving if the excuse is reasonable (It's doubtful "we just ordered it" will fly) it will need to be installed. And what if there is an emergency and you're not prepared. In this litigious world, do you want someone realizing that they were listening to/watching your station and you didn't transmit a warning?

Again, Scope+Focus, Inc. provides technical consulting and field service and not legal advice.  If you have legal questions, please contact your communications attorney.
The national test is done. It's reported that, STILL, many stations have not filed their summaries. Have you filled out the forms? You can do it online (see link below). Did your EAS unit trigger? Did it relay the alert? If so, great, finish the forms, making sure to follow up with form 3, and that's it. Put a copy of all filings in your logs and public file.

CAP/IPAWS tests ran daily the month of June. Have you checked your equipment for proper reception and logging?

THIS is the link to the FCC page which gives access to the forms. You may file form 1 electronically in advance of November 9 or the appropriate report can be printed out and completed by hand and mailed back after the test.

Here is the FCC's "Degrees/Minutes/Seconds-to-Decimal Degrees" Converter Applet

There is more information available at

There is a "EAS Best Practices Guide" available at

Interesting content from Radio World regarding vagaries in the FCC's test reporting requirements

Still more info on EAS and IPAWS (Integrated Public Alert and Warning System) is at

Here are some additional links for your further research and regarding the November 9 test.

From TV Technology on the latest extension

From TV Technology on the extension debate

FCC Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (6-19-11)

Radio World - Stations Pressure for Extension (08-04-11)

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